Friday, July 24, 2009


We took Alexa to Strasbourg France and went on the Merry Go Round - A Hit! And every time we went round Papi would cheer for Alexa as if she were performing in the Olympics!



We took Alexa to Spain for two weeks (a business trip for Nicole) and Baba and Papi helped take care of her. In fact, it was in Spain at almost 16 months when she learned to walk because there simply wasn't enough room in the hotel room for her to crawl anymore!

Alexa is Ready to Move to Germany!

On May 11th, we loaded the family and made our way over the pond to our new home in Hirchberg, Germany (Mannheim)!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Finally A Sign!

Since birth Alexa has looked like Jon, but finally....a sign that she is my daughter! A curl!!!