Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Friends and Family In Florence

Kind of a Weird photo but something about it seemed cool.  Alexa, a rose, the Duomo
in the background, it seemed almost magical!

Jon golfed with the boys...Nicole hit the shops!

we did a cool seguay tour!

Alexa has some crying eyes in this one but for the most part she was a really good
traveling companion!

Buing Cheese in the market

She makes friends everywhere!

A family Trip to the Cinque Terra, Italy

We spent a great 4 days at the great chain of 5 towns in Italy called
the Cinque Terra. It was a really beautiful chain of towns.  Full of color and
flowers and great scenes of water beauty!

Hows this for a view at lunch?

We did a great deal of walking and hiking and Alexa was a trooper!

Laughs with Baba!!!

Beach Shots at the Cinque Terra in Italy

It was cold water but that didn't stop Ms. Alexa.  We did so many
great fun things but if you ask what she liked best she would say the 20 minutes
she got to run nakes on the beach!