Sunday, February 26, 2012

Christmas 2011 in New York

More gingerbread making pictures! Alexa was pretty good and stuck to the project...not just the candy eating!

Grandpa took Alexa to the barn to feed the calfs...but it's stinky out there so he would put on one of his old jackets. 
It was a funny dress on her but she loved putting it on and seeing the animals!

She could hardly drive this tractor because she was handicapped by the huge 'barn coat' of grandpa's...
but it didn't stop her from smiling!!!!

Alexa's friend Zoe

Alexa got a GREAT gift from her cousins of horse riding!!!
Katie showed her how the pros do it!

Christmas Morning...fresh out of bed still in our jammies!

Grandma made her a Belle costume!

Nothing better than a Kayak ride on Christmas, in a ball gown with Tiara!

Alexa was into this 'sniffing' like a skunk thing!

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